God, the antic*pation is killing me. A few days ago, I found out my trip is not September 1st to February 13th which has been listed on the official Study Abroad office webpage (picture below) the idea of which is the only thing that has been keeping me from freaking out completely about this trip, but rather is from September to late June. This has so so many implications financially and logistically but is one of many anticipated obstacles. Luckily for those bitches, I've got a welcome mat at my door, and a vast wine selection for them to select from amidst some quiet intellectual conversation.
Email that shaved 2.5 years off of my life this morning |
Image from my university's Study Abroad Page |
When I get back from Busan, I will be a year older and maybe if you cross your fingers for me, I will be at least a year wiser. I would have missed my mother's 60th birthday, my best friends' 21st birthdays, Christmas, my favorite holiday-Valentine's Day. I will be missing out on countless others milestones. New significant others, tears I couldn't wipe, and comfort I couldn't give because I wasn't there.
I. Am. Freaking. OUT. If you think my Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon ass is ready to be that far away from my best friends or my mom, you don't know me at all. All I could do is cry (or dry heave as it may) over the loss of this time with the life I have so carefully built for myself.
After the loss of the time with a life I have built allows me to
gain time with a life I haven't lived yet, maybe one that could bring a happiness I'm unsure if I have ever had. My coworkers, friend's parents, and strangers keep giving me their opinions on me leaving everything- most of my stuff, a well-paying job, and people I love- to be in a strange setting whose homogeneity amongst other norms will ensure that I consistently stick out. They say things like "Why not somewhere in Western Europe?" and "Aren't you worried since you don't know the language?" You know what? Outside of the innate xenophobia and racism laced in each question asked, I
am petrified. Every time I think about it I feel like I'm gonna die, but then guess what?! I don't die! Every single time. I may have a natural inclination that tells me to lean away from the things that make my heart race and breathing shorten, but I
want to be a person who leans into those things. The best part about being alive is that a lot of the time, we have the opportunity to exercise choice. I've spent too long allowing those big downs make choices for me that prevented me access to the highest highs or make me think I didn't have choice at all, but I do!
So, sure, maybe I didn't have to go to a different continent alone, without knowledge of the language or culture, but I have a feeling it will do the trick. I can try something new because I want to and for no other reason. I let the ant*cipation
try and kill me, but the freedom (and the privilege do NOT get me wrong) to exercise a choice of this magnitude strengthens me in a way that keeps the ant*cipation at bay. I am protected from fear by knowing that everything in life is either a blessing or lesson. And if I die in South Korea, an idea that has been (inappropriately) suggested to me several times, at least they can say I was behind the steering wheel of this ugly lil thing we call life.
Thumbnail photo by
Xavier Sotomayor on Unsplash
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